Saturday, November 15, 2008

Barbecue Feed.

Occasionally I check out the map to see if I've had a sudden influx of new folks discover it, or if there's been another comment--today I discovered that my map entries now have an RSS feed (clicking that link will bring you to a page of goobledegook if you don't have any familiarity with RSS feeds, by the way. It's not broken). In theory, this means that you can subscribe to the feed, and when I add a new restaurant (probably) or new information about an old restaurant (possibly) you'll automatically get an item in your reader. I'll be running a couple of tests to see how it works, so if you subscribe to my map (which I encourage. Map subscribers = publicity = comments = better, more interesting map = book deal = groupies), you might get some strange items as I try things out.

Does anyone know how long the RSS feed has been available? Has it been there for eons, and I just missed it up until now?


Kembree said...

I think both of the Whole Hog's closed...

fancycwabs said...

You're right, Kembree--I keep forgetting to fix that on the map. Thanks!